1) Consider reducing the amount of time watching News related Media-
In this day of 24/7 New Cycle, we all can get over saturated by the
Media with Corona Virus information. This can and often will feed
On our existing worries and anxieties. It is important just as with
Anything we do in moderation, this too is limited and even eliminated
During our most heightened times of worry/stress.
2) Think about controlling what you have control over.
Our anxiety, worries and stressful thoughts related to COVID-19 often
Fall into the “What if” scenario. These scenarios are things that have not
Occurred nor can we control. It is true it is impossible to stop the flood of
Thoughts coming into our minds; however, we do have control over how
We react to them. Allowing our minds to follow those thoughts endlessly
Is not helpful. Instead try putting the beaks on them. Pick a thought that
You can work through in a problem-solving approach. For example, a thought
Such as “what if this shelter-in-place goes on for months”. Ones mind can just keep going with that. Or we can decide to say to ourselves, that facts I know is we
Are on phase___, and I am planning and managing my life in this phase and for the next phase after that. When we put reality into our thoughts and action it can help us know we are in control of our actions and how far we allow our thoughts to take us.
3) Keep a daily routine and schedule and stick to it.
It is essential that we have a sense of normalcy in our lives. We can simply achieve this by having a daily routine and schedule. Such as, getting up at the same time everyday, making the bed, eating meals at the same time, performing certain task (work, or hobby) with-in the same or similar time frame, enjoying fun activities, etc.
Likewise, many of us are given an opportunity to focus on doing something new. This can be that time you start and complete something you have always wanted to try or take up (within the limits given). It could also be time to complete a jig-saw-puzzle or get to organizing that corner of the living room that has been put on hold. Be creative you just might find that you really enjoyed something you have not ever done or gain a sense of pride and learn you have not once thought about COVID-19 while doing so.
4)Be Active-
Physical exercise is good for the mind and soul. It does not have to be a 60 minute
Workout, but it can if you like. Y-tube has so many wonderful videos that can be
used for inspiration. Like yoga, low impact exercise, jump rope, just to name a few.
Waking is always a good choice no matter what the circumstance, and if you have a dog, he/she really love the walk too. A great benefit of physical activity when stressed is that it helps arouse those feel good hormones called endorphins.
5) Seek Out Professional Help-
You don’t need to do this by yourself. If you have an escalation of anxiety, please talk to a professional who can guide you through this difficult time. Many therapists are using telehealth, so you are not limited to professionals in your area. Medication for anxiety, depression, and insomnia might also be needed and can be prescribed by a psychiatrist or your primary care physician. They too are using telemedicine to lessen the exposure for all.